Motherhood Has Taught Me I Am Much Stronger Than I Ever Knew | 2019 Lessons
Dear 2019,
You have truly been a year full of memories, challenges and successes. Thank you for giving me my first full year of motherhood. Motherhood has been a gift that has taught me a lot about myself. One thing for sure, I am much stronger than I thought! And as long as my little one is healthy and happy ALL is right in the World.
It was through the gift of motherhood that I realized now was time for me to truly find relief from Endometriosis! And it was this year that I finally found a way to keep my pain at bay. I created a menstrual planner to become my own personal health expert, and shared it with the World.
It was through the gift of motherhood I realized the importance of leaving a legacy and building wealth for my family. I started my non-profit Menstrually and took my personal brand to another level.
You taught me how to listen and follow God’s whisper. Every single frustrating moment in my life had a purpose and lead to a seed being planted and a vision being birthed.
All things are truly possible!
This year showed me that through a little patiences, baby steps, and a positive attitude the word “impossible” can turn into “I’m Possible”.
My sister gave me words of wisdom that stuck with me all year —
You can have it all, but it’s not going to happen all at once.
I have learned to go with the flow, rest, take action when I can and know that it will all come together.
2019 Lessons
- Don’t ask God for anything you are not willing to fight for daily. Every gift comes with its’ own struggles and challenges. Don’t give up in those moments. You will appreciate the journey on the other end.
- True strength comes in the form of flexibility. It’s not how fast you can get something done, or if you able to pick up a full load at one time. Take it slow, flow, and keep going.
- You intuition will never lie to you. Trust your feelings about who and what belongs your life.
- Stop hiding your shine! Someone is going to find healing through your story.
- If you are having feelings that you want to quit or it’s too much to handle… Stop listening to your emotions! Keep going. Take a baby step every day, and know that you are much closer to a breakthrough than you know.
- There is no such thing as failure…. Only lessons that are meant to make you better. Perspective is EVERYTHING!
- Let go of all the toxic people and things! Once you do that, your time and space will be filled with all the thing you need. It’s call gravity and it works in all aspects of your life.
- Celebrate your wins both big and small.
- The easiest way to bring a wave of good things in your life is by giving with an open heart a daily norm. No matter the size. Blessing others will flood your life with so many blessings.
- Adopting an Omarion, unbothered attitude, will save you from unnecessary stress. God got me, and everything that is meant for me is already mine!
Hey, 2020!
I am excited to see what 2020 has in store! But, one thing for sure, I am making my affirmation clear. The words you repeat to yourself, the things you consume, and the energy you entertain influence mold the future… And that’s the one thing I am not leaving up to chance.