Endo & Food | Jessica Murnane Interview

When it comes to Endometriosis, one thing has been proven — food can either help or hurt your symptoms.
Endometriosis and Food
So many people have written about the foods that you must avoid and those you must add to live a sustainable life with Endometriosis. Yet, the journey to changing your complete diet can be difficult.
How to Make the Change
Making drastic changes to your diet can cause an endometriosis flare-up. And even when you are a following a plan or diet, there may be some “good” foods that make cause some woman to have a flare-up. Which, is why it is so important to monitor the things you consume. Paying close attention to how food makes you feel.
This process can be a lot! And that is why I had to get on a call with Jessica Murnane to break it down for us all.
Jessica Murnane
Jessica is the author of One Part Plant cookbookand the creator of KnowYourEndo.com. She is an Endo Sister, who found healing with food and started from ground-zero like most of us.
Here is our interview…
I hope that you find inspiration in this interview like I have! This journey is all about taking small steps that will make a difference for you. Food is a big part of our journey, and I hope you find healing through your food.
If you are looking for additional help and support through your Endometriosis journey, check out Jessica’s other site, Know Your Endo. She has some amazing classes coming up to help guide you through the process of finding relief.