Harriet Tubman’s Journey: Thoughts in Cambridge
Harriet Tubman Journey
My Black History Lives On.
I recently took a trip to Cambridge, MD to get a little inspiration.
This is the place where Harriet Tubman started the Underground Railroad. One woman did the unthinkable.
Often times, we find ourselves in situations that go against everything we stand for and we have to make a choice — stay silent and just take it. Or, make a plan and fight for what we know is right.

This is a concept that we all have thought about with everything that is going on in the news today. However, for me, this is something that I have been struggling with a lot with for the last 6 months. You see, I feel we all have a special calling in our life. And, when those moments happen that cause us to feel like something has to change it’s not meant for us to look around to find someone for answers.
Rather, it is a moment for us to go deep and decide if we will do what is necessary for that change to occur.
Big or small… Hot topic or not… We all have our own Underground Railroad that we have to lead because only we can do it!
Harriet Tubman Obstacles.

I will be honest, this has been the reason I didn’t move forward with an idea and stayed in the uncomfortable comfort of a known situation. I didn’t take a dive in faith for what I believed was right and true. Only because of the fake belief that there was some obstacle that would make it too difficult me or stop me from being successful.
Obstacles are real and excuses are on every corner. But, how did Harriet to do it?

My Underground Railroad.
The Underground Railroad was not a path that was paved, supported, or easy. It was a walk (sometimes run) that started in Cambridge, MD. It led slaves to Pennslyvania to gain their freedom.
When that wasn’t good enough, Harriet extended the path to lead slaves further to Canada. Some would have thought that was enough. But, that path expanded south to lead more to freedom. She didn’t stop.
The fight against what she knew was wrong was done is secret. It was a fight that had to happen. She knew something had to be done. It was a cross between passion, purpose, and frustration.
The Harriet Tubman Birthplace

I often ask God why He is constantly putting me in situations that I find frustrating when I know I deserve better. And, the only thing that I keep going back to is that — Frustrations will push you to do better for yourself and others.
For those who may feel the same way, I leave you with the thought with this: If you find yourself in a scenario that frustrates, you know it should be better maybe this is your personal mission to make something amazing happen. We all have an opportunity to change, and you always have an option to be a part of that change for yourself and others.
Harriet Tubman Museum.
The new Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center will be opening near Cambridge, MA on March 11th and 12th. If you want more information about the opening, check it out here.