
6 Effective Natural Remedies for Feeling Sick When Lying Down : How to Guide

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How to Stop Feeling Sick When Lying Down?

Hey loves! It’s time to talk about sleep, and something getting in the way of it being the best it could be. If you’re anything like me—balancing the challenges of being a mom while managing Stage IV Endometriosis—you’ve probably faced that frustrating feeling of getting sick when lying down. Whether it’s nausea, vertigo, or acid reflux, it can truly disrupt your day (or night!). But don’t worry; I’ve been there, and I want to share some natural remedies that helped me stop feeling sick when lying down.

Why Do You Feel Sick When Lying Down?

There are several potential causes for feeling sick when you lie down, and understanding the root of your discomfort can help you find relief. For me, at the height of my endometriosis pain, acid reflux became a frequent culprit, especially after taking pain medication. Toward the end of my pregnancy with my son, Klay, I also struggled with nausea when lying down—something that many pregnant women can relate to. If you’ve ever had a similar experience, you’re not alone.

Common Causes of Nausea When Lying Down:

  • Acid Reflux or GERD
  • Inner Ear Issues (such as vertigo)
  • Hormonal Changes (pregnancy or menstrual cycle)
  • Dietary Triggers
  • Migraine or Headaches

For me, addressing acid reflux was a game-changer, but everyone’s journey is different.

Natural Remedies to Stop Feeling Sick When Lying Down

If you’re experiencing discomfort when lying down, these remedies have made a world of difference in my life. Incorporating these small changes can bring much-needed relief.

1. Ginger and Peppermint Tea for Nausea

Both ginger and peppermint tea have been lifesavers for me. Ginger, in particular, is known for its anti-nausea properties. I like to drink ginger tea first thing in the morning and again in the evening, especially on the days leading up to my menstrual cycle. Peppermint tea is another great option that can relax your digestive system, making it easier to lie down without feeling sick.

Pro Tip: Keep some natural ginger candies or ginger tea close by for when nausea strikes. This helps settle my stomach quickly!

2. Elevate Your Head When Lying Down

One of the simplest remedies I found was elevating my head and shoulders with pillows. Whether you’re dealing with acid reflux or just general nausea, propping yourself up can reduce the likelihood of feeling sick when you lie down.

During my pregnancy, I also used a body pillow, which helped provide extra support and comfort. Another small but helpful change? Switching to silk or satin bed sheets to stay cooler at night!

3. Address Acid Reflux and Dietary Changes

Since acid reflux was a major cause of my nausea, I made it a rule not to eat anything heavy or greasy after 7 p.m. Additionally, incorporating belly massages and warm tea with healing herbs right before bed really helped.

Some key changes that made a difference for me:

  • Avoid trigger foods like fried food, alcohol, and white sugar.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals to avoid overwhelming your stomach.
  • Drink herbal teas like ginger or peppermint to soothe the stomach.

How My Gut Health Journey Helped Stop Nausea

While addressing the immediate issue of acid reflux was helpful, healing my gut was key to long-term relief. I had been taking pain medication for years due to endometriosis, which wreaked havoc on my gut. By focusing on gut-healing supplements like L-Glutamine and Amino Acids, as well as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, I was able to restore my gut health and prevent the nausea I once experienced.

For more information about healing your gut, check out this comprehensive guide.

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Feeling Sick When Lying Down

Beyond dietary changes, there are other practical steps that can help alleviate that sick feeling when lying down.

1. Avoid Eating Right Before Bed

It’s a simple rule, but avoiding heavy meals 2-3 hours before bed was a game-changer for me. This gives your digestive system time to process food, reducing the chances of acid reflux or nausea when you finally lie down.

2. Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

I found that incorporating deep breathing exercises into my routine helped calm my digestive system and reduce overall stress. I also started the day with yoga and stretching to improve circulation and set a positive tone for the day.

3. Holistic Solutions

Using essential oils in a diffuser—especially calming oils like lavender, rose, and lemon balm—created a relaxing environment for better sleep and helped ease nausea.

Scientific Evidence Supporting These Remedies

While my personal experience is crucial, I always find it helpful to know that science backs these solutions. Research has shown the benefits of addressing acid reflux, healing gut health, and using herbal remedies like ginger and peppermint for nausea relief. Here are some key studies:

  • Nighttime Reflux Study: Discusses the impact of nighttime reflux and potential solutions. Study Link
  • Gut Health and Nausea: How improving gut health can alleviate nausea. Read More
  • Role of Ginger in Nausea Relief: A study highlighting the effectiveness of ginger in treating nausea. Study

Final Thoughts: How to Stop Feeling Sick When Lying Down

The journey to stop feeling sick when lying down may take time, but it’s entirely possible with the right strategies. I’m grateful that today, I no longer experience nausea when lying down, and I truly believe that holistic changes—like managing acid reflux, healing my gut, and incorporating herbal teas—made all the difference.

Remember, you can do this! Take small steps each day, whether it’s adding ginger tea to your routine, doing daily stretches, or adjusting your diet to support your gut health.

More Gut Health and Wellness

Learn more about gut health and holistic remedies on my blog:

Until next time, take care of yourselves and stay empowered on your health journey!


It’s Kyla

Hi Healthy Fam!

Living healthy my way is my thing, and Pink Proverb is my place for health and wellness. Focusing on being proactive about health, and living and creating a self-care lifestyle that allows me to be my best self!

I am taking you a long for the ride, and I hope it inspires you to do the same.

I am a Stage IV Endometriosis mom, working hard to stay pain-free. This is my sacred place of inspiration, journaling the things that have helped me along the way.

For more, check out Healthy Kyla on Youtube!

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