How to Yoni Steam | Yoni Steaming for Self-Care Guide

Yoni Steaming is a self-care routine that has slowly starting becoming more popular over the last couple of years. There is a right way and wrong way of Yoni Steaming, and here is how to yoni steam.
What is Yoni Steaming?
Yoni Steaming is an external herb steaming for your Yoni. Yoni Steaming has been know to be the “facial” for the vagina. This is an ancient practices seen in Africa, Asia and Central America. This practice has recently been seen in spas, and celebrated by Gwyneth Paltrow and Chrissy Teigen.
Health Benefits of Yoni Steaming
Yoni Steaming is not a “cleansing”. Yoni Steaming offers a lot of health benefits for a women’s health journey. Those health benefits include:
- Steaming opens your pores and allow herbs to give therapeutic benefits
- It removes toxins in the skin
- It increases relaxation and enhances circulation
How to Yoni Steam
To Steam properly, you will need to pick herbs that align with your self-care/ health goal. You can find my Ultimate Yoni Steam Herb Guide, here.
What You Need for Steaming:
- A pot to boil water
- 8 cups of water
- 1/4 cup of herbs
Yoni Steaming Steps:
- Pick herbs that align with your self care/ health goal
- Steep herbs in boiling water for 5 minutes
- Let pot cool to desired temperature
- Sit on pot of 30- 45 minutes
Use a blanket to wrap around you create a steaming space, and grab your favorite tea to create a self-care space.
How to Yoni Steam Video Series
Grab you FREE Yoni Steaming Herb Guide, here:

If you are looking for Yoni Steam Recipes and more herbs aligned with health benefits, check out the Ultimate Herb Guide, here:
This guide includes over 60+ Herbs aligned with health benefits and 10+ steam recipes for your health journey.