
8 Period Self Care Tips: Turning Your Menstrual Cycle into a Retreat

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Hey loves! I know that periods can be a real challenge—physically and emotionally. But I’ve learned that the more we incorporate self-care into our routine, the better we can handle those ups and downs during that time of the month. Here are my tried-and-true period self-care tips, based on personal experience and a little research, to help you feel empowered and in control of your menstrual cycle. I hope these period self care tips make your menses a time of peace and retreat.

1. Understand Your Cycle

The first step to feeling your best during your period is to truly understand your cycle. When you track your symptoms, moods, and physical changes, you’ll notice patterns that allow you to prepare ahead of time.

Personal Insight:
For me, tracking my cycle has been a game-changer. It lets me stay proactive, especially when I know fatigue or bloating is about to hit. When you know what’s coming, you can adjust your routine—whether that means slowing down or eating foods that support your body through those hormonal shifts.

2. Nourish Your Body with the Right Foods

What you eat during your period plays a huge role in how you feel. Focus on foods that support your body rather than deplete it.

  • Load up on iron-rich foods: Spinach, lentils, and lean meats can help replenish iron lost during menstruation.
  • Get those Omega-3s: Found in walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish, Omega-3s can ease inflammation and boost your mood.
  • Cut down on caffeine and processed foods: These can contribute to bloating and discomfort.
Food for Period Self Care: My Journey with Painful Periods

I’ve made it a point to center my meals around whole, unprocessed foods, especially during my period. Avoiding processed foods and adding teas like red raspberry leaf and burdock root have really helped me manage cramps and bloating. My energy is higher, and my body just feels more at peace. And in moments when I can’t eat nourishing foods, I make sure I am taking the 12 Vitamins for Endometriosis to keep my body balanced and pain at bay.

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Drinking enough water is essential during your period. It helps reduce bloating and can keep headaches at bay. Don’t forget to throw in some herbal teas like chamomile, red raspberry leaf, or ginger to soothe cramps.

Tips for Staying Hydrated for Period Self Care

Red raspberry leaf tea has become my go-to during my cycle. It’s not only delicious, but it’s great for supporting uterine health. Add lemon or honey to give it an extra flavor boost!

4. Move Your Body Gently

You don’t need to do anything intense, but light movement can make a big difference. Walking, gentle yoga, or low-impact exercises like jumping rope can keep you feeling energized and ease those cramps.

Working Out: Personal Period Self Care Tips

During my period, I’m all about low-cortisol workouts. Walking helps me get through the fatigue and mild cramping without putting extra strain on my body. It’s a gentle way to stay active and feel grounded.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Stress can take your period symptoms from mild to intense, so managing it is key. Whether it’s through deep breathing, meditation, or stretching, make time to relax.

My Routine:
Taking a warm bath with CBD or THC is my self-care ritual. Paired with breathing exercises and gentle stretching, it works wonders for managing both mental and physical stress during my cycle. And when I am preparing for my menses to begin, enjoying a yoni steam is extremely relaxing.

6. Prioritize Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for recovering from your period and dealing with discomfort. Aim for 7-9 hours of rest each night, and try to stick to a consistent schedule.

Why Rest Matters:
Sleep is a non-negotiable for me during my period. It’s amazing how much more energized I feel when I give my body the rest it needs. Prioritizing sleep helps me manage fatigue, keeps my stress levels in check, and makes my body feel more balanced.

7. Keep Things Fresh & Hygienic

Good menstrual hygiene is essential for comfort. Change your pads or tampons regularly, and try organic, breathable materials to avoid irritation.

My Preference:
I’ve found that using organic pads or menstrual underwear for free-bleeding gives me the most comfort during my cycle. I never have to worry about irritation or discomfort.

8. Set Boundaries and Ask for Help

During your period, it’s okay to set limits. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it, whether that’s at work, with family, or in your personal life. Your body is doing a lot, and you don’t have to do it all alone.

Personal Advice:
Be gentle with yourself during your period. You are strong, but that doesn’t mean you have to carry everything by yourself. Ask for help, take breaks, and make time for yourself to recharge both mentally and physically.

Conclusion: Your Period, Your Self-Care Journey

Self-care during your period is all about honoring your body and meeting its needs. From eating nourishing foods to taking time to rest and recharge, these period self-care tips can help you feel more comfortable and in control of your well-being. Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. Take the time for you, because you deserve it.

Menstrual Health & Pain Relief

For more in-depth tips and personalized period self-care strategies, download our free Menstrual Health & Period Pain Relief eBook here.

natural period pain relief_pink proverb

If you are dealing with severe menstrual pain and want to find natural pain relief, I created the Period Pain Relief Guide: Periodish Ebook and Planner for you! Use the following code to get 50% off of your download: PeriodPainFree

More Women’s self Care & Wellness


It’s Kyla

Hi Healthy Fam!

Living healthy my way is my thing, and Pink Proverb is my place for health and wellness. Focusing on being proactive about health, and living and creating a self-care lifestyle that allows me to be my best self!

I am taking you a long for the ride, and I hope it inspires you to do the same.

I am a Stage IV Endometriosis mom, working hard to stay pain-free. This is my sacred place of inspiration, journaling the things that have helped me along the way.

For more, check out Healthy Kyla on Youtube!

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