Sea Moss “Apple Sauce” Recipe | Immune Health Booster

If you haven’t been able to tell yet, I love finding new ways to get my Sea Moss in! And, it’s time for another delicious and healthy Sea Moss Recipe! Today I am sharing my Sea Moss “Apple Sauce” recipe. To be honest, this recipe came by accident. I was making some gel out of my seaweed, and I didn’t blend it all the way. I tasted it anyway, and loved that if gave me an apple sauce texture. So, I blended some peaches in and it was perfect!
The true test for if it was a winner was if it passed the toddler test. I have my son a spoon full and he automatically asked for more!
After that, I knew it was something I had to share. If you are like me, I find it hard to take a tablespoon of Sea Moss Gel. I’m not sure if it is the texture or the taste, but I have to find creative ways to get in my daily dose of seaweed.
Once, I was able to find a way to get my Sea Moss, in beyond making a Sea Moss Drink Recipe, life got really good! Now I don’t mind taking a spoon full of of my favorite seaweed every morning because it feels like a treat.
Even my family enjoys in now! And, it doesn’t feel like a task with this healthy “apple sauce” recipe.
What is Sea Moss Good For
Sea Moss Health Benefits
Sea Moss and Immune Health
I get asked often about the health benefits of Sea Moss. And, I truly believe that no matter where you are on your health journey you can keep your immune system health and strong. A simple tablespoon of Sea Moss everyday or every other day can make a difference in your health. This seaweed is packed with a lot of the minerals our body needs to stay balance. It will help simplify how many vitamins you need to take to achieve balance.
Sea Moss and Inflammation
If you are dealing with chronic inflammation Sea Moss can truly help eliminate your pain. No matter if it is Endometriosis, arthritis or heart disease, this will help lower your inflammation. The reason why Sea Moss is good for chronic pain disorders, is because it is a great source of antioxidants and polyphenols.
Sea Moss and Fertility
If you are on a fertility journey, you may be wonder in Sea Moss can help. And Sea Moss is packed with Zinc, iodine, B Vitamin, and calcium which has been proven to support women looking to conceive.
Sea Moss “Apple Sauce” Recipe
Apple sauce is a true staple in taste in my family, and I never thought I would be able to get Sea Moss to taste like it. But, I did and here is how you can my your own healthy “apple sauce” at home with seaweed!
How to Make Sea Moss Gel
Sea moss gel is the foundation of a lot of food recipes. Even though many companies make pre-made sea moss gel, it is really easy to make your own sea moss gel at home. Here is an easy way to make your sea moss gel that tastes good using four simple ingredients:
“How to Make Easy Sea Moss Gel”.