Shoji Spa Wellness Getaway in Asheville | Benefits of Salt Baths

It’s time for a wellness getaway and a little weekend self care! If you are like me, we have a lot of catching up to do in the self care department. So, now that we are all back in the World a little more, I have decided to focus on finding wellness weekend getaways that rejuvenate and bring balance back to my life.
The first place on my wellness bucket list, the Shoji Spa! This was the best way to kick off my sister’s birthday weekend! It is the only Japanese spa in the Asheville, NC area, and that offer private salt hydrotherapy tubs that are relaxing and healing.
Health Benefits of Salt Baths
No matter if you are doing a sea salt or epsom salt bath, you can reap a lot of benefits of soaking in a hot salt tub. The major difference between the two salts is easy are the minerals. Epsom salt is just magnesium, while sea salt contains all of the minerals found in the ocean.
Minerals are key when dealing with inflammation and chronic pain. But, just having magnesium alone has been proven to reduce inflammation, prevent migraines, improve PMS symptoms, lower blood pressure and fight depression.
Going to a place like Shoji Spa is a great way to experience a salt bath. However, you don’t need a spa to reap the benefits of this in your day to day life. And if you are dealing with a chronic pain disorder like Endometriosis, adding salt baths to your self care routine is a game changer.
Grab some epsom salt or sea salt and pour in a hot bath, and soak for at least 30 minutes a month!

Shoji Spa Experience

We booked the salt bath and massage package at the Shoji Spa, and it was worth every penny!
The spa is located up a one of Asheville’s many mountain like peaks. Because, the Blue Ridge Mountains is its backdrop. The air is clear, and filled with calming breezes. The surrounding areas around the salt bath huts are peaceful. And it is honestly one of the best places to go if you are looking to reconnect with yourself.
They offer tea during your salt bath experience, and that was a special touch. There is also infused water throughout the resort as go from different treatments and salt bath huts.
The only thing I will flag is that the salt baths are in nature. And, you may see ants enjoying shade in your hut. So watch out for that.
The massages were located inside the main building, and it was perfect for helping with your lymphatic system. I was able to visibly see knots removed after having my massage. And, I am adding more lymphatic self care to my personal care at home.
Easy to say, I was really impressed with the amount of care taken during my massage. During my intake, I didn’t have any specifics for focus. However, my massage therapist was able to pin point my problem areas. I needed a little extra care, and give me tips on yoga positions that would help me moving forward.
And, I am looking forward to going back! The Shoji Spa was definitely the perfect place to start my wellness getaway adventures.
Up next, I will be sharing all the great things in Asheville. You can find all the highlights of a great self care getaway, here.
Self Care & Wellness Journal