The Gift of Motherhood

The greatest gift I was told I could never have.
The legacy that I felt someone trying to take from me.
The daily sacrifice that is often stifles me.
The journey of becoming a mother is not easy. The fight to seeing your child for the first time can be life altering. And the daily challenge of being the the best nurturer for your child despite all the World throws at you can numbing.
Yet, We Keep Going!
Motherhood is a seed that I planted in one’s spirit way before a child is conceived. It is a calling that comes to women in different ways. And it is a struggle that can seem lonely even in a house full of voices.
The strength of a mother is infinite and fragile at the same time.
It is the ability to calm waves externally, and internally battle storms no one can perceive.
No matter where you are on your Motherhood journey, know that you are not alone!
Happy Mother’s Day to All of You!!