3 Yoni Steam Recipes for Fertility

Yoni steams for fertility can be extremely useful on your health journey. Stress has been known to interfere with fertility, and adding a relaxing self care practice that utilizes beneficial herbs can help tremendously. Here is a yoni steam recipe for fertility to get you started:
What is a Yoni Steam?
Yoni Steam is basically a facial for your yoni. It is not a cleansing nor is similar to douching. Steaming is meant to be a relaxing self care process that allows you to enjoy the health benefits of infused herbs.
How Does Yoni Steam Help with Fertility?
Yoni steaming can be a useful self-care practice that can help lower stress levels. Using fertility-stimulating herbs in your vaginal steam while allowing you body to reap those herbs’ health benefits.
How do you know which herbs to use?
When picking herbs for your Yoni Steam it is important that you do your research on every herb that you want in your steam. Using an herb that does not align with your health goal can lead to undesired results.
For instance, if you are steaming to relieve menstrual cramps or Endometriosis pain, you want to stay away from herbs like Motherwort that is used regulate an irregular period because it promote uterine bleeding and contractions.
I have a Yoni Steam Herb Guide to help you on your herb knowledge, here.
Do your research! Even when you buy your herbs, still do your research about the herbs that are in the steam.
6 Herbs for Fertility
If you are on a TTC (Trying to Conceive) Journey, here are my 6 go-to herbs specifically for fertility:
- Clary Sage
- Ashwagandha
- Maca (Red Maca Root)
- Shatavari
- Thyme
- Vitex Or (Chaste Tree Berry)
Why are these herbs good for a fertility yoni steam recipe?
Here is the breakdown on why the herbs list above of a good go-to for fertility:
Clary Sage For Women’s Health
Clary Sage benefits for women are many and varied, but the most common use is to help with menstrual cramps. It is packed with antioxidants, Vitamin K, Iron, Vitamin B6, Calcium, and Manganese.
The herb has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions including: irregular menstruation, painful periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopausal symptoms, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, fibroids, uterine bleeding and infertility.
Ashwagandha for Women’s Health
Ashwagandha for women’s health benefits include: Menopause, Premenstrual Syndrome, Fibroids, Infertility, Endometriosis, Dysmenorrhea, and Depression.
The herb has also been shown to increase energy levels in both men and women. Ashwagandha can be used as an adaptogen to support overall general well-being. It may also be helpful for stress management and fatigue reduction.
Maca (Red Maca Root)
Red Maca Root for women’s health includes: Menopause, Fertility, Hormone Balance, Perimenopause, Infertility, Stress Management, Fatigue Reduction, Energy Levels, Mood Enhancement, Sleep Support, and Weight Loss. It is known for its ability to improve hormonal balance, which helps to regulate menstruation cycles and fertility. It also supports healthy thyroid function, helping to maintain normal metabolism and weight loss.
Shatavari for Women’s Health
This herbs has numerous and diverse health benefits. Shatavari is often recommended for women who have difficulty getting pregnant or maintaining pregnancy. The herb is believed to strengthen the uterus and reproductive system, making it easier to conceive and carry a baby to term. It is also thought to prevent miscarriage, reduce postpartum bleeding, and promote lactation.
Other uses for Shatavari include: PMS, Irregular Periods, Amenorrhea, Vaginal Dryness, Uterine Prolapse, Painful Sex, Low Libido, and Postpartum Depression.
Thyme for Women’s Health
Thyme is a fungus fighter. A 2021 study found that low doses of thyme essential oil fights against Candida albicans which is the common cause of yeast infections.
Thyme health benefits include: Menopausal Symptoms, Hot Flushes, Insomnia, Menstrual Disorders, Menstrual Pain, and Urinary Tract Infections. Thyme is another herb that can be used to relieve menstrual cramps.
Vitex Or (Chaste Tree Berry) for Women’s Health
Vitex Or for women’s health benefits include: Menopause, Menstrual Cramps, and PMS. It is one of the most popular herbs for relieving menstrual cramps. This is because it contains compounds called flavonoids, which relax blood vessels and ease cramping.
When To Do a Yoni Steam for Fertility
Using Yoni Steaming for fertility comes with a few rules. You should only steam in a specific window of time to allow you body to naturally do what it is supposed to do when trying to conceive.
I have a video here explaining when you should and should not steam when trying to conceive:
I hope that this helps you along your healthy journey!
Yoni Steam Recipes for Fertility
My rule of thumb when mixing my herbs for my steam is adding 1-2 herbs with direct health benefits and 2 herbs for pure self-care that are mood boosters, energizers and calming agents. You can find a lot of this broken down in the Yoni Steam Herb Guide.
Here are your TTC Yoni Steam Recipes:

When Do You Yoni Steam for Fertility?
Vaginal steaming for fertility looks different from steaming for other health reasons. The best time to steam is during your follicular phase of your menstrual cycle. It is during this time is pulling internal resources to form an egg, and you can learn more about that process in the Yoni Steam Guide.

How to Yoni Steam at Home Without Equipment?
You can easily reap the benefits of a vaginal steam by using a kitchen pot and blanket. However, you can also you a wooden crate from your local craft store or on Amazon to comfortable sit over your pot. Here is a easy setup you can achieve at home:
Picking the Right Herbs for Vaginal Steaming
Finding the right herbs for your yoni steam journey is key. No matter if you are buying herbs individually or using a pre-mixed blend, you need to understand what herbs you are using and the health benefits of each herb.
Picking herbs is like picking your favorite glass of wine. Your body will start to develop a taste for how strong you want your steam, how sweet or fragrant you want it during specific times of the month, and your needs will change.
For instance, if your stress is high and you are looking to become pregnant, you may want to add more herbs the focus on stress relief. And you may change your frequency on how often you steam, or opt for a tea while steaming with the same herbs.
You can find a breakdown of these herbs and more for your yoni steam journey in the Herb Guide & Journal, here.
Does Yoni Steam Hurt?
No! Your yoni steam should be a relaxing experience. If you find that your water too hot, let it cool off before sitting over it. Your vaginal steam should feel like a facial that is soothing and refreshing. If it doesn’t feel like that, make some adjustment to make it more enjoyable.

Yoni Steam Recipes Guide
Grab your Yoni Steam Recipes Guide, here:

Now let’s talk about a herbal tonic that is great for your fertility journey, here.
It’s Kyla
Hi Healthy Fam!
Living healthy my way is my thing, and Pink Proverb is my place for health and wellness. Focusing on being proactive about health, and living and creating a self-care lifestyle that allows me to be my best self!
I am taking you a long for the ride, and I hope it inspires you to do the same.
I am a Stage IV Endometriosis mom, working hard to stay pain-free. This is my sacred place of inspiration, journaling the things that have helped me along the way.
For more, check out Healthy Kyla on Youtube!